When the world turns dark and uncertain, a beacon of light emerges – propane. Amidst the chaos of disasters, propane steps up as a steadfast solution, offering a lifeline of light and warmth when conventional power sources falter. In the face of adversity, portable propane-powered generators stand as unwavering sentinels, ensuring homes stay illuminated and essential devices remain operational, bolstering safety and connectivity even in the most challenging times.
In a startling reality check, only 15% of residents currently possess backup power. The landscape of backup power sources in the United States includes portable gas generators (25%), standby generators (10%), solar generators (5%), and solar with installed storage (5%). In a fascinating shift, a slim majority of Americans are yearning for sustainable backup power, with 51% expressing their interest. When cost comes into play, 61% of Americans are willing to invest an extra 40% for sustainable backup power that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels. Unmistakably, solar generators are hailed as “green” by a significant 78% of Americans, while 38% associate portable gas generators with the “dirty” label.
But there’s more to this story than meets the eye. We’re stepping into a new era, where the fusion of solar, wind, and propane in skid-mounted power solutions transcends expectations. This groundbreaking blend of clean energies isn’t just about delivering continuous power; it’s a statement of our commitment to sustainable and secure options that fortify communities against nature’s wrath.
Buckle up for what lies ahead – we’re on the cusp of unveiling an innovative solution custom-tailored for residential owners. Propane remains steadfastly in the spotlight, guiding our mission to provide unwavering energy solutions that stand tall when disaster tests our resolve. The future promises cleaner, more resilient energy that keeps communities strong.
Stay tuned, as we’re on the verge of a POWER-packed transformation!